dimarts, 2 de juny del 2015

Painting of Wassily Kandinsky: Yellow, red, blue

All Kandinsky's pieces of art are represented with geometrical figures that create simbolic objects. Yellow, red, blue is one of his masterpieces and we can see many geometrical figures like rounds, squares and also lines that are very well mixed between them. He used three colors (like the title says) and he mixed them to create the other colors that we can see in this painting.

I like very much this piece of art because gives me joy and positivity.

divendres, 27 de març del 2015


Who was Saint Patrick?

Saint Patrick was born in England. He was kidnapped by pirates and solt in Ireland when he was young. There he took the road to the religion and he became a sheperd. The legends says that he threw out the snakes from Ireland.

In St.Patrick's day,people were green clothes because the green color is very present in that country. There's a plenty and there is a lot of nature. Also, St.Patrick used to teach the Trinity using a
marshmallow, which is also green.

Nowadays, in New York there're many irish people who had emigrated from Ireland in the past and that want to celebrate St.Patricks day too. There, they celebrate one of the biggest parades in the word.

A blender is a kitchen or laboratory machine which use is to mix food and other substances.
The inventor of the blender was J.Poplawski, the owner of a big Electric Company.

The Blender has become a very important tool for all the cooks around the world because is very useful and it takes less time to prepare the ingredients or meals

dilluns, 16 de març del 2015


The ping-pong door is a door that if you push it from the bottom it transforms into a ping-pong table. It's very practical to play with friends or when you're bored. You only have to push the bottom of the door and the players will be located from side to side. When you finish the game, you only have to push it backwards. It's a good way to surprise friends! It's very funny, but it's also quite expensive. It costs 990 euros in the official webside. 
Una puerta para jugar al ping-pong

dilluns, 2 de març del 2015


The ping-pong door is a door that if you push it from the bottom it transforms into a ping-pong table. It's very practical to play with friends or when you're bored. You only have to push the bottom of the door and the players will be located from side to side. When you finish the game, you only have to push it backwards. It's a good way to surprise friends! It's very funny, but it's also quite expensive. It costs 990 euros in the official webside.

Una puerta para jugar al ping-pong

video: http://www.nopuedocreer.com/quelohayaninventado/25331/transforma-tu-puerta-en-una-mesa-de-ping-pong-con-un-solo-movimiento/

dilluns, 1 de desembre del 2014

2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami


We all can see what a tsunami means only by watching this picture. In the background, this big wave of water is dragging the trees and it's more and more closer to the city. In front of the tsunami, there are a few houses which are going to be destroyed. The huge stenght of the waves produced a lot of foam, so this produced a caothic situation.

The 2011 earthquake of the Pacific coast of Tōhoku(Japan), with a 9.0 in Richter's Scale, was the third biggest earthquake that has been recorded in the history. If it's not enough, the earthquake triggered powerful tsunami waves that reached heights of up to 40.5 metres and travelled up to 10 km in land. The aftermath of this two natural disasters included a profound social and economic crisis. The tsunami resulted in over 340,000 displaced people in the Tōhoku region. Economic impact was immediatly recognized because many factories had to suspend their production, so the economy was stucked.

dijous, 25 de setembre del 2014

Hi, my name is Quim Lloret Ventura and I sudy in INS Vilablareix in Girona. I like meeting with my friends a lot and have fun. I wanna' be a vet in the future cause' I love the animals. I have got two cats and a lot of fishes. I don't like doing homework but I have to do it. At home, I use to watch TV or surf the internet. I also like playing basketball. I play in Quart four times a week! I also want a new mobile phone, but my parents don't want to buy it.